【Colloquium】Dr. Hiroko Yamamoto: A Reaction-diffusion approximation to non-local interactions
时间:2016-11-18  浏览:

SpeakerDr. Hiroko Yamamoto, Meiji University, Japan
TitleA Reaction-diffusion approximation to non-local interactions

Time2016-11-24, 16:00-17:00

VenueRoom 316 of Environment Building, Renmin University

AbstractRecently, patterns formed by reaction-diffusion equations with 
non-local interactions have attracted much attention. For instance, long-range
 and short-range interactions of non-local nature are observed in pigment 
cells of the skin of zebrafish. In this talk we consider an evolution equation
 with non-local term under Neumenn boundary condition. In order to understand
 pattern formation by non-local interactions, we introduce a reaction-diffusion
 approximation to the solution of this evolution equation.