【Coll. 1109】Prof. 王良晨: Boundedness and stabilization in a two-species chemotaxis system with two chemicals
时间:2018-11-06  浏览:

Title: Boundedness and stabilization in a two-species chemotaxis system with two chemicals


In this talk, we consider the following two-species chemotaxis system with two chemicals where the parameters , ,  and . The chemotactic function and the signal production function  are smooth. If , it is shown that for all positive parameters this system possesses a unique global bounded classical solution provided that  is bounded. If , this system possesses a unique global bounded classical solution provided that  is sufficiently large. Moreover, by construct suitable energy functions, it is shown that: If and  are sufficiently large,  then any global bounded solution exponentially converge to If  and  is sufficiently large, then any global bounded solution exponentially converge to ; If  and  is sufficiently large, then any global bounded solution algebraically converge to .

报告人 Prof. 王良晨,重庆邮电大学

报告时间:2018-11-0917:00 - 18:00
