【Colloquium】Dr. Feiying Yang: Principal Eigenvalues for Some Nonlocal Operators and Applications
时间:2016-11-08  浏览:

SpeakDr. Feiying Yang, Lanzhou University

TitlePrincipal Eigenvalues for Some Nonlocal Operators and Applications

Time2016-11-10, 16:30-17:30

Venue:Room 316 of Environment Building, Renmin University

AbstractIn this talk, I will introduce some our recent works. We first derive a result on the limit of certain sequences of principal eigenvalues associated with some nonlocal eigenvalue problems. Then, such a result is used to study the existence, uniqueness and asymptotic behavior of positive solutions to a nonlocal stationary problem with a parameter. Further, we consider the principal eigenvalues for a nonlocal weighted eigenvalue problem, and use them to discuss some SIS epidemic models.