【Coll. 0618】Prof. King-Yeung Lam: Asymptotic spreading in shifting environments: A Hamilton-Jacobi Approach (I)
时间:2019-06-18  浏览:

Speaker: Prof. King-Yeung Lam, Ohio State University

Title: Asymptotic spreading in shifting environments: A Hamilton-Jacobi Approach (I)

Time: 2019-06-18, 14:00-16:00

Venue: Room 316 of Environment Building, Renmin University


1. The theory of viscosity solutions to first order Hamilton-Jacobi equations; discontinuous viscosity solutions and the half-relaxed method.

2. The spreading speed of the Fisher-KPP equation when the environmental function depends on one or more translating coordinates.

3. Recent developments in two-species models.