【Coll. 0910】Prof. 苏颖: Hopf bifurcations in a diffusive two-patch Nicholson`s blowflies model
时间:2018-09-10 浏览:
报告人: 苏颖教授,哈尔滨工业大学。
地点和时间: 9月10日16:00-17:00,中国人民大学环境楼316。
题目:Hopf bifurcations in a diffusive two-patch Nicholson`s blowflies model
摘要:In this talk, we consider a discrete version of diffusive Nicholson`s blowlfy equation with zero Dirichlet boundary condition. Local and global Hopf bifurcations at the unique positive steady state are stuided. Numerical simulations are carried out to demonstrate the theoretic results.