【Coll.0627】Prof. Huajie Chen: Numerical Analysis in Density Functional Theory
时间:2017-06-22  浏览:

Numerical Analysis in Density Functional Theory 


Huajie Chen (陈华杰)

School of mathematical Sciences

Beijing Normal University

Beijing 100875, P.R. China

E-Mail: chen.huajie@bnu.edu.cn

Homepage: http://math0.bnu.edu.cn/~chenhuajie/


Abstract: In this talk, we will briefly review the density functional theory (DFT), which is widely used in quantum mechanical modeling. We study finite dimensional approximations of the DFT models and provide a rigorous numerical analysis. We also present several numerical simulations to support our theory.






l  非线性特征值问题

l  第一原理电子结构计算

l  多尺度方法